Ryu Attacks Taylor Swift (Gif)

Paul O'Flaherty 0

It’s animated gifs like this that make me jealous of the original Street Fighter, although I’m not sure Taylor Swift would be as impressed. ;)

Ryu attacks Taylor Swift

Who Was Complaining?

Paul O'Flaherty 0

I’m not exactly sure how they were complaining, but apparently their cries fell on deaf ears in Oklahoma.

Complaints from Who

Apparently I’ve Been Spelling Erica Wrong…

Paul O'Flaherty 0

While I have serious doubts that this is the correct way to spell it, it does sound slightly more awesome when I say pronounce it slowly in my Irish accent.


A Deer Farts And The Internet Erupts With Glee

Paul O'Flaherty 0

If a deer farts in the woods and there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound? We may have the definitive answer in the stinky Bambi video.

I heard about this video while listening to the radio on the way to work, and I must say that even Sir David Attenborough couldn’t help but giggle…

Poor Ross

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Poor Ross! I’m willing to bet that they didn’t even give him a choice before erecting this sign!

Poor Ross

Craps or Cracks: Rolling the Dice for Laughs and Cash

Robert 0

From beginners to seasoned gamblers, everyone can enjoy the laughs and excitement that come with this popular casino game. Also, online gamers check out https://casinoohne1eurolimit.com/casino/ohne-5-sekunden-regel/ to find the best online casinos to play with no restrictions.

 Craps or Cracks


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