signs »

Poor Ross

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Poor Ross! I’m willing to bet that they didn’t even give him a choice before erecting this sign!

Poor Ross

How Babies Are Made

Paul O'Flaherty 0

It looks like I’ve been doing it wrong all along!

How Babies Are Made

Capacidad Maxima

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Clearly the translator had a sense of humor, or maybe they’d traveled a bit … ;)

Capacidad Maxima

Juxtaposition Win

Paul O'Flaherty 1

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. This picture has a dirty mind and clearly speaks for itself.


Pepsi Puts A Little Extra In Your Shopping

Paul O'Flaherty 0

If Pepsi is putting this in your shopping then you’re clearly shopping in the wrong place - or for the wrong thing!

Jizz In Your Shopping


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