After All This Time… Always - A Harry Potter Themed Engagement Proposal

Paul O'Flaherty 0

Cute enough to give your heartstrings a serious tug ;)

This is the video my friend Scott Painter and I made of my proposal to my lovely fiance. Andrea is a very big Harry Potter fan and we had even talked about possibly having a Harry Potter wedding one day, but always thought it out of the cards. Even though I have always dreamed of a Star Wars wedding. So I wanted to do something special for her and send her on a Harry Potter themed quest when she least expected it.

I am a wedding cinematographer and am booked most weekends, so when I told her that I had to film a wedding this fateful Saturday morning, she thought nothing of it. Plus, she had plans with our godchildrens’ mom, Erica. Little did she know that Erica would not be meeting her at the door, but instead my friend Scott, complete with video cameras.

Here is the heavily truncated quest of puzzled, trivia, and riddles that she had to solve into order to find me waiting for her at our favorite bar…. waiting with one last surprise.

Hat-tip to GAS.

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