Profile for PJMackDaddy

I like the night-life but I don't like to boogie. I live in a home with a weird lady and 4 munchkins. They're mooching off me. I wear an ankle monitor. Not because I have to, but because it looks cool and it's a great conversation starter and makes me look like a bad-ass.

Twitter: @paulouize


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The Ultimate Shredder: This Machine Destroys Everything:

Probably will be bought by the White House and for anyone needing to dispose of bodies quickly…  

Bacon Flavored Popcorn

Bacon Flavored Popcorn

My evening is complete! Everything is better with bacon.  

Go the F*ck to Sleep - read by Samuel L. Jackson (NSFW)

In case you haven’t heard it yet, the new not-so-safe-for-kids book that has turned into a best-seller for adults. A 5-minute listen WELL worth the time.

Bike For Sale

“Do what you want.” doesn’t really mean that.

Japanese Museum Unveils A Giant Globe Made of 10,000 Live-Updating OLED Panels

I really wish I had one of these as a kid!

Masturbation Saves Lives!

The only thing I keep under my mattress is a copy of Hustler and I always leave my curtains open….

For Men Only

Rude, crude and socially unacceptable, but funny none the less.

Thumbs up for Rock and Roll! - The Greatest Motivation Speech Ever

This kid really knows how to deliver a killer speech that will make anybody want to get on their bike and ride!